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Daily 50

The idea of the daily 50 is simple, daily maintenance of the body when time is vital. The daily 50 consists of 10 reps of 5 exercise for a total of 50 reps. To incorporate the daily 50 into your life, we are going to make a few assumptions.

1. Seven days of this 2-4 minutes exercise is not the only workout you are doing. You will find time to hit the gym or go for a jog at least twice a week.

2. You have taken a short walk or made a dash to a fitness corner to do the daily 50. About 5 minutes of walking or jogging will do.

3. You are not in an extremely cold environment, because you will definitely need a longer time to warm-up when your body is frozen solid.

4. But then again, it is really not all that bad if this is the only workout you will ever do!

Now, let's put that aside and take a look at the break down of the daily 50.

10 Reps of Jumping Jacks: This is the primer to the workout. It elevates your heartrate and get it really for the next 40 reps.

10 Upper Body Pushing Movement: Movement involving pushing a resistance away from the body; e.g. push-ups, medicine ball throws, bench presses.

10 Lower Body Movement: Work your legs! E.g. bodyweight squats, plyometric jumps, squats.

10 Upper Body Pulling Movement: Movement involving pulling a resistance towards the body; e.g. pull-ups, rows and pull-downs.

10 Whole Body Conditioning Movement: Burpees, burpees, burpees. Any variation of burpees that you can knock out 10 of with no problem.

The idea is to go through the exercises with maximum power and speed. With that in mind, simple bodyweight and plyometric movement are best suited for this workout. Execute the exercises, one after the other without rest in-between.

While I have listed the bench-press and lats pull-down in the examples, they are not as suitable for this workout. It is hard to estimate the weight you will need for this workout.

This workout is designed to be modular. Can't do 10 pull-ups? Do Australian pull-ups instead. 10 push-ups to easy for you? Move on up to claps push-up! Still too easy? Clap behind your back! Other than the jumping-jacks, feel free to change the movements to fit your needs and ability. Below I included 3 videos of 3 different difficulty level of doing the daily 50. I realizes that the form in some of the exercise are nowhere near well-executed, but cut me some slack ya? I made them one after the other!

Beginner 50

10 x Jumping Jacks
10 x Knee Push-ups
10 x Bodyweight Squat
10 x Australian Pull-ups
10 x Modified Burpees

Great for beginners! Simplified movements that will help the less-fit work their way up.

Intermediate 50

10 x Jumping Jacks
10 x Push-ups
10 x Squat Jumps
10 x Chin-ups
10 x Standard Burpees

I call this the NSmen's friend. It would be his best friend prior to the change in IPPT. Keep yourself fighting fit.

Advanced 50

10 x Jumping Jacks
10 x Clap Push-ups
10 x Squat Jumps with Tuck
10 x Clap Pull-ups
10 x Chest to Ground Burpees

Pretty much a plyometric workout. Every move should be done as powerfully as you can. Time taken to complete this set of workout can be used to gauge your level of fitness.

Parting Notes
Use this template to build your own daily 50. The idea is to test (and thus maintain) your metabolic limit daily.

Lin Yimian, CSCS, SGX

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