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Training for the Pull-Up: Resistance Bands Assisted Pull-Ups

The title is very oxymoronic, but resistance bands assisted pull-up is one of the best way to acquire the strength and body control to execute the pull-up. Besides the 3-stage progression, if you walk into the gym you would be greeted by the lats pull-down machine and the weight-assisted pull-up machine. The great thing about these two machines is how they closely mimic the movement of the pull-up. However both exercise are greatly stabilized, with your body pretty much locked into place, requiring you only to pull hard with your lats and arms.

With the resistance band assisted pull-ups however, you are taught to control your body movement right from the start. Your stabilizing muscles must come into play as you learn how to prevent your body from swaying and swinging, and pull your body up at the same time.

Pull-up bar and resistance bands.

I got my resistance bands from K-Mart in Australia when I did two Spartan races in Melbourne. If you do a quick google search, you would find 2 to 3 shops selling them in Singapore. I recommend purchasing a set of 3 of the lighter bands, you can combine them to provide a wide range of resistance/assistance.

To attach the bands to the bar, you can use the two methods shown in the video. The self-loop method is the easier one. If you however have some straps and carabineer lying around the house, you can use them to attach the bands as well. The advantage with the strap and carabineer method is reduction of wear and tear, allowing you to use the bands for longer.

The Movement
First jump and hold on to the bar. Get your friend to help pull the band down and below your feet. Keep your legs straight, control your body movement and pull up.

Regression and Progression
Combining the bands, increase or decrease the resistance to fit your needs. In my experience, you need about 3 - 5 reps on a higher assistance level before moving to a lower assistance level.

Besides using it to train for your first pull-up, you can use the assistance from the bands to train for advanced variation of the pull-up, like thick bars, towels and 2-fingers pull-ups.

Lin Yimian, CSCS, SGX

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