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Plank It! Part 2

So you think you can plank? Here's a demonstration of the 3 minute plank strength and endurance test. Try it out yourself and see where you plank.

A nice flat non-slip surface. The focus of the plank is on core activation, not slip prevention.

The Movement
Start in a prone position.

Elbow plank:- 60 seconds
Right arm up:- 15 seconds
Left arm up:- 15 seconds
Right leg up:- 15 seconds
Left leg up:- 15 seconds
Left arm right leg:- 15 seconds
Right arm left leg:- 15 seconds
Elbow plank:- 30 seconds

Total planking duration:- 180 seconds

Regression and Progression
Go for as long as possible. Stop your timer when you hit the floor, and improve from there. You can always continue for a second round if you are game for more.

The longest plank record is currently 8 hours and 1 minute held by a Chinese policeman. But for the average joe, this test is a great way to gauge the strength and endurance of your core muscles. Once you are able to reach the full duration of this test, you are doing great.

To read about how to plank and how the plank can benefit you, do read Part 1 of my planking guide.

Lin Yimian, CSCS, SGX

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