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What's in the Pack for Spartan Super/Sprint Singapore 2016?

My second race for calendar year 2016, this will be the second of my six races this year. A sprint distance race I will be doing with my girlfriend. The 2016 Sprint is on average S$10 more expensive than the corresponding race price of 2015. Registered for the Sprint open at S$88 each. The early bird price of the Singapore Super Open is S$148, and final call price is S$188. In comparison, I registered for the Melbourne Super and Sprint Combo (That's two race!) for AUD$155 (S$155 on date of registration), the Kuala Lumpur Super at RM149 (S$50) and the Kuala Lumpur Beast at RM249 (S$86).

It is no surprise then that most participants are complaining that the price is expensive, especially when you take the content of the race pack into consideration. It is common practice in Singapore for race organisers to fill up the race pack with numerous items, and in comparison to some of the races being held in Singapore, the Spartan Race pack does look a little lacklustre. In defence of the Spartan Race, it is not a cheap race to organise, requiring land space, minor construction work, and the transportation and set up of numerous obstacle. The high price is expected, however I hope it would be justified this year, as last year's race pale in comparison with the race in Malaysia. Currently the official website indicated that only 50% of the race slot had been filled.

Unique to the Singapore edition of the Spartan Race is the race tee in each bag. Pictured is a male size S (on the left) and the female size S (on the right). Material is standard polyester drifit type. Personally I do not like the cut of the race tee as I find that it sort of suffocate me. Design wise, I preferred it to the one from last year. This is the Sprint tee, the Super tee is of the same design, but with blue filling up where the red is. The corresponding colour code of the 3 main Spartan Race distance are red (Sprint), blue (Super) and green (Beast).

Back of Tee

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